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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

All America Has To Fear Is Fear Itself!

America Has Become A Culture Of Fear!

Franklin D. Roosevelt
On March 4,  1933, a newly elected president Franklin Roosevelt delivered a speech on the steps of our nation's capital that instructed American's not to live in fear. That by doing so fear wins. 

The Speech

The Culture Of Fear

If Franklin D. Roosevelt was right all we have to fear is fear itself. Then there should be nothing left for American's to fear. What happens frequently is when problems go away undoubtedly other problems arise to take their place. When the Cold War went away instead of people and their politicians breathing a sigh of relief other problems in the form of terrorism rose up. Certain segments of America's population seem to always be in a consent state of fear. 

Is America a safe place to live today? To look at our daily news feeds and all the mass shootings, murders suicides, and police shootings many American's would probably answer the given question with an emphatic no!  Fear in America is promoted by so many different factions. There is a culture of fear in America and the trend is getting worst. Why? Because fear is profitable and many organizations and the politicians they own have a real stake in promoting fear in this country. 

Politicians like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, and Donald Trump win elections by creating the politics of fear and anger. Corporate owned media outlets like CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC to name a few profit in spreading the politics of fear and anger. These for-profit media echo chambers may be the worst of the worst in spreading fear. Their motto and business model seems to be “if it bleeds it leads."

The culture of fear in the United States is unusual. In fact, the culture of fear in America is not only at an all-time high its extreme in its nature. This fear that abounds in America is quite remarkable. Of all the countries in the world, the United States is far and away the most privileged and secure. The way we have used the news to promote fear in America and the way politicians feed off it has become a horror movie in which "We the People" can't go home or get away from. Fear mongering has become a 24/7 business in today's America. The mainstream media delivers around the clock fear. There are fears that cater to every demographic. These 24-hour news networks are always filling their news lineups with the reasons we need to be afraid. 

One of the challenges we face living in modern day America is because of the mass media, not a day goes by we are not made aware of some tragic event happening somewhere. There is always something to get depressed, upset, or angry over. There is an army of invaders coming across our borders to steal our jobs and change our culture. Apparently in the Republican Party this fear mongering works. Hence, Donald Trump being the parties current front runner. Every day on any assorted news media outlet we are inundated with news-feeds from all over the world. These mass media pundits are standing by to inform us of all the things we must be afraid of and fear. We are always made aware that there are bad people out there and they mean you harm so go buy a gun to protect yourself. 

In America today the truth is of little consequence. People are indoctrinated on a set of beliefs that no matter if they are true or false changing their belief patterns based on the real truth would derail their lives. People support their faulty indoctrination's because they are a crutch to their entire being as a human being. Mom and Dad could never be wrong! In today's world, it is often times the truth that is phony and not the lie. People are manipulated by fear and propaganda. 

Millions of American's have fallen prey to this onslaught of fear to the point of becoming helpless sheep. And it’s the politics of fear and anger and their associated media echo chambers that are the sheepdogs to keep them in line. Humans attempt to keep other humans in line and they do it by ridiculing and condemning anyone who commits the crime of being different.

There is a conscious and intelligent manipulation of people's habits enhanced by political mechanisms like the “Patriot Act" that allow corporations and other organizations privy to this information to be the real invisible ruling powers in the world today. We are governed by this information, our minds are molded, and largely by people we have never heard or seen. Propaganda has played a major role in how our present day Democratic society is organized.

People in the business of profiting from the politics of fear and anger have become masterful at finding ways to dip into people's greatest desires and fears. They use this for their own purposes and benefit. It is ludicrous to think these factions have a reliable judgment on what's best for the individual or our nation as a whole. Large segments of the American population vote against their own interest based on them being manipulated by the politics and propaganda being shoved down their throats on a daily basis. 

In closing, there becomes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so unbearable that it makes one sick to the heart that we must rise up as a group and say we are mad as hell and we will not take it anymore. We must as a collective and concerned society say enough is enough. We all must become an activist in our own special and unique ways. We must send a message to these invisible forces behind the machine that we will do whatever it takes to destroy your machines of manipulation and conquest. We must all become that man standing in front of the tanks in Tienanmen Square. Let's be afraid no more. Because just like FDR said in 1933 “All We Have To Fear Is Fear itself."

1989 Raw Video: Man vs. Chinese tank Tienanmen Square

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Politics Of Fear And Anger Have Gone Viral In America

The Politics Of Fear And Anger

The politics of fear and anger have gone viral in America. You can't turn on your television or read your newspaper today without seeing or reading something about fear. We live in a culture of fear and anger. There are SWAT teams kicking down people's doors for simple possession of Marijuana and individuals picking up assault weapons and shooting up the public square in the name of GOD and country. 

Our politicians and news media outlets are packaging fear who tell us to fear terrorist, neighbors, immigrants, refugees, and liberal social institutions established to help poor and elderly people.  There is a consistent cry by politicians proclaiming that war is the only solution. Since 9/11 we have had a government agency[NSA] monitoring our phone calls and collecting other data about our daily lives. The Dept of Defense has been selling billions of dollars of military equipment to local police forces which have turned our police forces into a military force[See Source]

Our police forces have been getting away with murder shooting and killing unarmed civilians while their departments have been receiving tanks, armor vehicles, flat jackets, helmets, and other military equipment as well. 

As we saw in the 'Occupy Movement" peaceful protesters were shot with rubber bullets and sprayed with mace. Enter the war on terror. The war on terror is the logical entry point for constructing governmental policy based on fear. How will they strike us next? The politics of fear has resulted in " We the People" losing our rights of privacy and has culminated in a mentality of fear cultivated by the political elite and the " Military Industrial Complex."

Criminal Justice Plays A Role In The Politics Of Fear And Anger

There is no denying the role judges play in our society. Having fair-minded unbiased judges is critical to a free Democratic society. Judges are tasked with protecting our most cherished right to freedom and basic values. To the point, Judges are the guardians of liberty in America. Judges are the custodians of all the things that matter in terms of evaluating civil liberties. The decisions Judges make matter most of all to people with less power or none at all. The poor. The disfavored and people who have been marginalized. Our Judges must take this role seriously. 

However, this writer fears that judicial independence in our nation is at risk. There are efforts to undermine the integrity and functions of our Judges. There is much to lose if this independence is compromised. The decisions and precedents that Judges make effect our lives in a myriad of ways. 

For example, it was judicial decisions that desegregated our schools and allowed equal voting rights to minorities. It took a political movement to persuade politicians to act on these egregious violations of our civil liberties. If the everyday person had not acted by forming groups which soon became a movement, these legislative changes would not have happened. 

In today's political climate of fear and anger, the progress of the "Civil Rights Movement" in the 1960's has come under attack by right-wing conservative politicians in the Republican Party. They wish to take us back in time when the white man was the only race entitled to these cherished civil liberties.[See Article]

The United States today is a very different place than it was 40 years ago. In the early 1970's when you think about criminal justice in America, there were 350, 000 people in our jails and prisons. Today there are over two million people locked up in our correctional system. There are another six million people on probation and parole. Mass incarceration has affected the lives of millions of Americans. What most people don't appreciate is the collateral effects this has on people’s lives.

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We Must End The Politics Of Fear And Anger

There is a board political reality in America today that suggest we are a nation of fear and anger. Over the last several decades, there have been politicians and their “Christian Right" allies preaching to us to be afraid and be angry. When people are afraid and angry they reconcile themselves to violating the basic human rights of the people whom they are afraid.

If a group or race of people is perceived to be an out-group it's okay to ignore them and their rights to basic human dignity. There are many historical examples of horrific abuse genocide, holocaust, and slavery. 

All of these institutions were created and sustained by a political vision fueled by fear and kept in place by anger. When you listen to politicians on the right today there is no real search for the truth there is only the dynamic of fear and anger. What has resulted is mass shootings on a monthly basis and innocent causalities all based on fear expressed by anger when an individual acts out. 

In 1996 the Clinton administration passed a “Welfare Reform Act" that allowed states to bar citizens from public benefits food stamps, housing, and medical services if they have a prior drug conviction. In this writer's lifetime, the politics of fear and anger has created a cast system in the United States. And, anyone with a criminal record is considered an “Untouchable."

There are scores of American citizens living beneath the public benefits system many who are homeless. There are single moms with children who cannot get public assistance because they have prior drug and other criminal offenses. It's the poor who have suffered the most from the politics of fear and anger. We have a criminal justice system that has become wealth dependent. No matter how innocent you are no matter how strong your alibi the mere fact you did nothing wrong doesn't shield you from arrest, prosecution, conviction, and long-term incarceration. 

Our present criminal justice system treats you better if you're rich and guilty than if you're poor and innocent. 

Wealth, not culpability shapes the outcomes of many judicial decisions today. The poor are being destroyed by this reality. The mentality ill have been locked up in our correctional system. There is very little help for the mentality ill in poor and minority communities. We just throw them in jail or prison. We do not help children who are dealing with these developmental issues we jerk them out of schools because they can't deal with cultural norms we call them criminal we put them in juvenile detention centers they are stigmatized and put on a pipeline leading to criminal behavior. 

There is a sense of hopelessness in our minority communities today. Most African America males feel their lives will be lost due to drug violence or racist cops. Many African males believe they will be incarcerated by the age of 21.  It's high time we engage these children and communities and fight against these feelings of hopelessness. It is the duty of any conscious citizen to help empower our brothers and sisters. 

One of the biggest challenges we face as a society is that most of us have doubts as to what we as individuals can do to affect positive change in our communities. What this writer has learned from my childhood and adult years is you can't buy what you can't sale. If you as a single person have no hope you cannot give hope to others. 

We must end the war on drugs. Stop the modern day equivalent to Jim Crow which has led to mass incarceration of minorities and the poor. America is the only country in the world where a 13-year-old can be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. There is no question that large segments of our society in America have been held hostage to the politics of fear and anger. Now is the time to stop this scourge on our citizens and end the politics of fear and anger once and for all. 

Study: Conservatives have larger 'fear center' in brain

Friday, November 20, 2015

Hillary Clinton Thinks She Has It In The Bag, Hold Up Wait A Minute!

Hillary Clinton Thinks She Has It In The Bag, Hold Up Wait A Minute!

A new era in American politics began in 2008 with the election of the first person of color to the White House. Some in America are ready to vote for the first female president ever in 2016. Does Hillary Clinton have the political dash to make it so? Many have pre-ordained Hillary Clinton as the winner we here in the House of Public Discourse say " Hold Up Wait A Minute."

Hillary Clinton has been a master of the 21st-century media she is the darling of mainstream media however that can be a double edge sword. Huge new and powerful voting blocks, and scores of American citizens have had it up to their ying-yangs with mainstream media. While many older voters still struggle with the concept of social media younger voters not only except modern day politicians to understand the digital age but also they expect politicians to embrace its power. 

The news of today does not revolve around mainstream media it comes from We The People on various social media platforms like Facebook. Nowadays, it's not cool for political candidates to detach themselves and simply rely on mainstream media to deliver their message. No matter how many corporate polls say Hillary Clinton is winning social media polls say different. At this point, Hillary Clinton has failed miserably to convey any coherent message that a Hillary Clinton presidency would help young people or the everyday hard working low and middle-class American. This failure to connect with this crucial voting block could derail Hillary Clinton ambition to be the first female president. 

As a follower of politics for most of my adult life, one thing you can expect from politicians in the hip pocket of corporate donors, special interest, and now Super PACS is a rhetoric full of smoke and mirrors. 

There is a game that corporate owned politicians play in today's politics. What is sad they proclaim it must be played to be successful. This game is often overlooked by voters and especially those casual observers of politics. However, the interjection of social media is helping to combat this overlook by electors, and while many Americans remain in the dark, the light is slowly beginning to shine through for more and more Americans. 

Hillary Clinton comes from a wealthy family. She is the wife of former President Bill Clinton. In the current 2016 race, Hillary Clinton is trying to portray herself as a regular American, who is in touch with the poor and middle-class. There is documented proof she tries to adapt her accent for political appeal. 

It's true that many voters will not pick up on this smoke and mirror political tactic by Hillary Clinton, but an ever increasing knowledgeable voting base will. Hillary Clinton image team needs a makeover because active voters are not buying for one second this run to the left I,m a populist candidate Clinton. In fact, it's an insult to one's intelligence.

The name Hillary Clinton in politics may hold more weight than what her actual accomplishments do. 

Hillary Clinton was the most-traveled Secretary of State in the history of the office. It has been widely acknowledged Hillary Clinton was not responsible for any significant strategies during her time holding the position. No matter the witch hunt that became known as the Benghazi Hearings were Hillary Clinton did say she was responsible for some security lapses.[See Article]

No matter how hard the Hillary Clinton handlers try to spin it, Hillary Clinton has a ton of political baggage hanging over her head. There are millions of Americans who do not see any real accomplishments from the former first lady and see this negatively and equate this negativity as inactivity. 

No matter Hillary Clinton achievements or lack thereof her high name recognition does not guarantee her a win in November 2016. In fairness, to Hillary Clinton she has made a lot of enemies in her day that has made her a target for nasty news media sound bites. However, there is an argument to be made that her evolving political image is disingenuous, deceitful, and manipulative to the lower and middle-class voter. Facts show by her record and who here donors are that Hillary Clinton is not a populist candidate she is perceived by many Democratic voters as a corporate tool and that her promises on the campaign trial are just that promises. 

There is a current change going on in the Democratic Party. There is a persistent move from the center right to the center left. There is a corporatist wing and a populist wing. Hillary Clinton has a voting record that does not sit well with the growing progressive wing in the party. Many experts say, and Barack Obama pounded it home in 2008 that Hillary Clinton voted for the war in Iraq. 

Corporate Democrats and other rank and file party members are giving Hillary Clinton a pass on this huge blunder that she has admitted. With that said, there are others in the Democratic Party who have not given Hillary Clinton that pass and have made it known to the world they will not vote for Hillary Clinton.

This issue poses a significant problem for Hillary Clinton, who already is battling a poll that suggest 60% of Americans find her untrustworthy and dishonest.[See Source] This factoid coupled by young voters who are not buying into the Hillary Clinton public relations efforts and the growing number of Democrats who don't adhere to her beliefs or excuse her voting record Hillary Clinton may be in for some surprises in her second quest for the highest office in the world.
" I was surprised because these women were pushing for Hillary until they found out about the Monsanto connection, and then they dropped her like a hot potato. " [Source: James Berg-Chairman Democratic Party Fort Worth County, Iowa]
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It's all about big businesses for Hillary Clinton. Who can refute that once you get a look at who is feeding money into her campaign? Unlike her primary opponent Bernie Sanders who refuses to take influence peddling money, Hillary Clinton has accepted it with open arms. 

Hillary Clinton may not be a new name in the political public sphere, but her bogus attempt at being a populist candidate to uninformed voters is not working. Why? Because when the rubber hits the road it's the issues that matter to her campaign donors that shine forth like a beacon of light from a seashore lighthouse. 

A growing number of Americans both young and old are sick and tired of the wealthiest Americans influencing our democracy. Like it or not Hillary Clinton has over the years gained the reputation as a Washington-Wall Street insider who does the bidding for her corporate buddies. So, when she tries to peddle back to a populist stance, those untrustworthy stats reach up and take a bite. 

Americans Proved In 2008 They Were Done With Bushes And Clinton's.

Americans in 2008 and the early polling of Jeb Bush show that We The People are suffering from dynasty fatigue. America is not a Monarchy. Before the 2008 election, there was either a Bush or Clinton in the White House. This period span was 25 years. This dynasty fatigue factor gets no mention in mainstream media, but this factor is a very real issue with millions of Americans. Americans love an underdog, and Hillary Clinton has been the pre-ordained choice of the Democratic Party hierarchy that many experts have cited as losing touch with the changing progressive tide of the party. 

The Feel The Bern Revolution Is Real

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders has captured the heart of not only Progressive Democrats, Millennial Voters, Independents, but Republican voters as well. The surge and growing popularity of Bernie Sanders is a genuine grassroots populist movement. Hillary Clinton and her corporate Democrat buddies can kiss the nomination on a silver platter idea goodbye. Bernie Sanders has done an outstanding job of messaging, and his campaign of embracing the power of social media is paying huge dividends for the growth of his name recognition and his consistent progressive record as a 25-year public servant. Sanders natural candor is ringing true with a board and diverse group of Americans. It is not only arrogant to claim Hillary Clinton has the nomination in the bag it's foolish. With Bernie Sanders, there is no question of his authenticity or his trustworthiness factors the Hillary Clinton campaign cannot rely on.

Coexist Stop The Hate Hoodie $40.00 (Free Shipping)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Bernie Sanders Defends Democratic Socialism, Calling It Route to Economic Fairness

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Origin Of ISIS And How The United States Played A Role In Its Creation

The United States And Its Allies Created ISIS

ISIS is without question the most violent terrorist group in modern history. ISIS is not a long time established terror organization they[ISIS] are a newcomer on the terrorism scene. ISIS is newly formed, armed, and funded. Where did ISIS come from how are they sustained and after the recent terror attack in France where are they headed next? 

The origin of ISIS began in 2003 when the United States and the Bush Administration invaded Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussian. The "Shock and Aw" war. Not only was America successful in removing Saddam from power we also were successful in destroying much of Iraq infrastructure. America dismantled and tried to rebuild the Iraqi army. 

Furthermore, we installed a puppet government that proved to be unresponsive to the Iraq citizens. We imprisoned Iraqi citizens who we[America] deemed as radicals. Most importantly we left Iraq a destabilized and weak country. So, how does ISIS come into play from these facts? ISIS formed itself in 2006. It was at the time a small group of radicals. ISIS tried to create problems for the U.S. military right away but had no money or real ability to recruit. 

 Syrian President Bashir Al-Assad
In 2009, ISIS changed its focus from Iraq and turned their attention to Syria. By 2011, the Syrian Civil War was expanding rapidly. This escalation gave ISIS its opportunity. In 2013, a northern general for the "Free Syrian Army" proclaimed if international forces did not send weapons the rebel forces fighting Syrian President Bashir Al-Assad they[Free Syrian Army] would lose the war in a month.[See Source

Shortly after this proclamation the United States, Saudis, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey, and Israel started providing weapons, training, and money to these rebel groups. Even though these arms were not American made they were funded and organized by the CIA. Here is where the whole plan no matter how well intended fell apart. The facts clearly show that these arms ended up in the hands of Jihadist groups like ISIS. 

In fact, there was a mass exodus of fighters from this so-called " Free Syrian Army" to the terrorist group we now know as ISIS.[See Source] It was at this time that the terrorist group ISIS began to make headlines. However, President Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared that ISIS was nothing to be worried about. By 2014, it became apparent that the United States had underestimated the power and influence of ISIS. In a period of just one year, ISIS catapulted from a no-name group in Syria to one who crossed back into the Iraq. The main reason for ISIS rapid emergence was the simplicity of getting their hands on American military gear and the stunning amount of wealth they have been able to accumulate. 

Most of this wealth has been obtained by seizing oil fields in both Syria and Iraq. 

In response, the Unites States military have conducted air strikes to destroy these oil fields. In this writers view this policy does not make sense. Because we will defeat ISIS and who do you think will pick up the tab for rebuilding these destroyed oil fields the American tax payer, and you can put that in your peace pipe and smoke it. 

No matter how much we bomb or put sanctions on buying this oil in the hands of ISIS, they have been able to sell and expand their operations because countries like Syria and others need the oil and could care less about the wishes of the United States and its allies.[See Source] Just like other products there is a huge demand for oil on the " Black Market." The purchasing of petroleum on the " Black Market" is nothing new it has been going on for decades. This reality makes it almost impossible to control. The bottom line here is there's no way to effectively sanction countries who buy oil from ISIS. 

Iraqi Oil Field On Fire

The result and facts are that ISIS is the most well funded terrorist group the United States has ever had to confront. Oil is one of the most difficult commodities to track. Some of our sources here in the House of Public Discourse estimate ISIS is making as much as one million dollars a day smuggling oil on the " Black Market." ISIS now controls a vast amount of territory in both Iraq and Syria. There is a robust demand for oil in the Middle East region. There are some six million people who live in the area controlled by ISIS. These citizens require oil for their cars, generators, homes, and businesses. Much of the oil sold by ISIS is purchased by these individuals living in the ISIS occupied territory. 

ISIS sales on the oil are cash deals that make it extremely hard to track. Some sources say that the oil is being smuggled into neighboring countries like Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Jordan.  All of this begs the question what can America and its Allies do to stop this smuggling and purchasing of ISIS-controlled oil? 

There is one reality that rings true concerning the rise of ISIS. The destabilization of Middle-East governments like Iraq, Libya, and Syria have made it easy for terrorist groups like ISIS to get a foothold and to grow both in arms and people who sympathize with their extremist dogma.  The unrest in these countries has provided the perfect storm for recruiting individuals with extremist viewpoints and joining terrorist groups like ISIS gives that person a sense of solidarity with other like-minded individuals who share their views. 

What we have learned from 20/20 hindsight is that the Army we left in control in Iraq was powerless to stop ISIS when they reentered that country. When America left, they allocated thousands of military vehicles and other equipment to the Iraqi army. Sadly, most of this equipment has been taken over by ISIS.[See Source

For many Americans and other citizens around the world, this reality came as an enormous shock. How could an army trained by the United States just fold up to a terrorist group like ISIS? America spent 25 billion dollars of taxpayer money on training and arming the Iraqi Army. The answer is not a simple one, in fact, it's a complicated one. Considering that the entire Iraqi Army under Saddam Hussein was disbanded in 2003 and with this army gone there was no longer any real organization. There were no experienced leaders or soldiers to fall back on. The integrated security of Iraq had to be started from scratch. 

Nouri al-Maliki
Also, no sooner than the American overseers left Iraq there came allegations of corruption in the Nouri al-Maliki administration the puppet leader set up by the Bush administration. The Maliki government wasted no time alienating the Sunnis. This led to low morale in the Iraqi security forces that created a rotten edifice from the start. Once these Iraqi security forces started to turn tail and run, ISIS began recording one strategic victory after the other. ISIS forces took control of a major dam in that country and threaten to flood major Iraqi cities. Next, ISIS robbed an important Iraqi bank and stole 425 million dollars. And, lastly they confiscated large amount of U.S. armaments left behind by the weak Iraqi security forces. 

ISIS Must Be Stopped They Must Be Opposed But Are They A Direct Threat To The United States?

What should the role of the United States be in taking on ISIS? There are no questions that containing ISIS now will be a difficult one. In this writers view it would be wrong for America to withdraw its hand and proclaim it's no longer our problem. Especially since our foreign policy has helped to create ISIS. There is no denying the fact that America is the blame more than any other country in creating the current mess in Iraq and the Middle East in general. 

America's nation-building foreign policy led by the Republicans has left huge power vacuums in Iraq, Eygpt, and Libya. What has transpired in the present and brought to light by last week's terrorist attack in Paris is now an almost necessity for Ameican military involvement. By leaving these countries destabilized, there is no solid foundation for these countries to defend themselves. 

America is paying dearly for the war crimes of Bush and Cheney. America was in Iraq for ten years and its the view of the House of Public Discourse no matter how long we occupy these countries as soon as we pull out these extremist militant groups are going to move right back in just like we see right now in Iraq. Nobody in their right mind would say Saddam was not a monster. Maybe the Reagan administrations should have realized that before enabling Saddam to gain power in Iraq. [See Source

 American patriotism may not want to admit it but no matter the evil that was Saddam Hussein Iraq was a functioning society. That claim is no longer valid in present day Iraq. 

To look at the current situation in the Middle East one must ask themselves the question how did the evil dictators become evil dictators? The answer is these evil dictators were able to fend off other potential evil dictators in a region of the world that has been in turmoil since the recording of secular world history. The idea that you can implement a foreign policy of regime change and somehow put a responsible government in its place is not only irrational its dangerous for world peace in general. The history of the region tells us this type thinking just won't work there. To think that it could have ever worked is the biggest failure and blunder in the history of foreign policy in the United States. Current presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been spot on in calling it like it is. 

The American involvement in the Middle East has been a massive failure from start to finish and a lack of understanding of how the Middle East is structured. The reality is today wars are fought much different than in the past. Imperialism no longer works. 

When you have factions in the United States and politicians like John McCain(R-AZ) and current presidential candidates like Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, who advocate war, bombs, arming rebel groups, and regime change as the answer to every problem there will never be a war that should not be fought. 

The failures in Iraq, Eygpt, and Libya should have been an education for the Warhawks in America. But, obviously not because any quick glance of the current newsreels and rhetoric coming from Washington is to attack ISIS and bomb the living hell out of them. Has this worked in the past? No! Will it work in the present? No! Will it work in the future? Absolutely not! 

With the recent terror attack in Paris fresh in our minds, we are seeing the same old debates emerging from Washington. Should we just bomb, bomb away or should we send ground troops in? The truism here whether one wants to face it or not America has had a severely flawed foreign policy in the Middle East since the end of World War II, and the current situation in the Middle East is a train wreck.[See Source

It's time for America to take care of our issues at home and stop trying to export our democracy to other countries. Yes, we must work with other countries especially those Muslim countries in the region to find a sustainable solution that will result in a lasting peace. But, just as Bernie Sanders has suggested its high time they[Middle-Eastern Countries] take the lead in the matter. Trying to spread American democracy to the Middle East has been a complete failure. 

America needs to tell Israel we will no longer support any preemptive strikes against Muslim nations like Palestine. The foreign policy of preemption has done nothing but cause countless death and destruction to not only military personal but to innocent civilians including women, children, and elderly. This behavior is not what America is supposed to be and nor do most Americans want it to be.

Written By: Johnny Hill

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Voices From The House

Linda Lou Bennington Nolan
"Sadly, after watching another GOP Debate, I am convinced that Republicans have no intention of providing any sensible debate because they're unwilling to address the issues facing this country. It was simply just another night of wasting time and money. Not one question was answered with a viable solution supported by fact. Most of the questions were side stepped with comments that had absolutely nothing to do with the questions asked of them or they used up their allotted time to bash Hillary Clinton or President Obama which got them off the hook from showing America they've got nothing to offer! Not a damn thing! All I could do was to shake my head in disbelief and laugh at the insane responses. I sure hope Americans are not as stupid as these people think you are and that you don't continue to vote AGAINST all of your own best interests!!! WAKE UP!!!
Every single one of these Republicans CLOWNS are still trying to paint a "doom-and-gloom" picture of the state of our nation... What a sad attempt at trying to "justify" why they should weasel their way back into the White House and undo all the actual progress we've made in the past seven years... Without so much as an IOTA of help from them!!! They provided nothing but UNPRECEDENTED OBSTRUCTION!!!"

JJ McCabe
As an American, and someone who is fully aware that our political system is watched around the world, I was embarrassed after watching the first Republican debate. Trump turned the debate into a circus, and he's the GOP frontrunner. What scared me is that Trump is not so much a product of the GOP as he is a reflection of the current Republican Party. He's misogynistic, racist, and cares more about his own wealth than the well-being of his fellow Americans. That's why we need ‪#‎bernie2016‬ U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders 

Sam Clark DiBrell
I stand in honor of all veterans of the United States, this Memorial Day 2015. All soldiers, staff, nurses, and civilian support during wartime have my deepest gratitude and respect. No one has sacrificed more for our country, than have you. My Dad fought in the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division of Iowa and Pennsylvania, as a Texan, under the Third Army commanded by General George S. Patton. Sam Clark DiBrell

Carter Mooney DiBrell --Purple Heart & OLC

Paul Hardcastle - Nineteen (Destruction Mix)

Shellie Bowlin On President Obama

Shellie Bowlin
I'm proud to say that I worked hard to get him elected in the '08 election (that was quite an experience and election night was exhilarating)! I'm proud to say I voted for him both in '08 and '12!
Once the ignorant fear-based lies and distortions have faded and future generations learn of President Obama in their American History and Social Studies classes, they'll learn two aspects of this period in time:
1. This President accomplished amazing things and led our country through a turbulent time with great poise, intelligence and calm reasoning. He didn't always make the right decisions but he admitted his mistakes and his legacy is one to be proud of.

2. The racism and divisiveness that was simmering just under the surface, that too many thought was gone, bubbled up and spewed its toxicity like a dormant volcano spewing molten lava and destroying all things in its path the moment President Obama was elected. It's been disgusting to witness. But just as volcanoes destroy as they create, so does the racist toxicity- as it boiled to the surface, it showed its ugly face and now we can see it, recognize it, and build a better world out of its ashes.

Now, let's not allow the idiocy of the GOP clown car to destroy all the progress made. I don't care if it's Hillary or Bernie. Vote Blue in 2016 - or we might not have future generations learning American History at all.

Sanders Vows To Do Everything to Stop TPP/Hillary Clinton States She Will Do Nothing

The TPP Trade Deal Is A Nightmare Come True

The TPP Trade Deal Is Worst Than We Thought!

There was a time in America when what was good for American corporations was good for America. There was a time when American companies made everything here in the Untied States. Most of the money stayed in the United States. When American corporations grew, the economy grew, jobs increased, and the ‘American Dream’ was a possible reality for We The People.
Finally, the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal commonly referred to as the TPP were released to the public. The TPP trade deal was made public by New Zealand. After, much secrecy and behind closed door negotiations the specifics of the TPP are out.
The TPP has been a very controversial political topic for several years now. There have been many voices proclaiming this trade deal to be nothing more than a corporate handout disguised as a trade agreement.
What we know now is the TPP is worst than we thought and quite frankly hideous.
The TPP is 2000 pages long and has 30 chapters. Only about a third of those pages deal with trade. The TPP is not ‘Free Trade.’ The major questions about this trade agreement are to whose benefit is the TPP geared. One must also realize that over 500 corporate lobbyists wrote the TPP. There was little input from the governments involved in this massive international trade deal.
Why do we have an economy? Why do governments go to the trouble of establishing a currency and establishing rules and regulations to govern those industries? We do these things for the benefit of society. To protect ‘We The People’ from illegal activity that harms our environment and the common welfare for all.
So, why is it important for America to be involved in international trade? Traditionally throughout America’s history global trade has made up about two percent of our nation’s GDP. However in modern times the need to be involved in international trade has become a crucial aspect of America’s overall economy.
Trade deals should be fashioned for the benefit of society. Effective international trade has provided Americans with all kinds of products we might not otherwise have access to. Like certain types of fruits, wines, and automobiles. Trade allows ‘We The People’ to have access to things to make our lives better and are for the common good. Trade deals should increase the quality of life for citizens.
International trade deals should not be fashioned so that Corporations can ship jobs overseas. In fact, in Colonial America it was against the law for American companies of that time to send jobs overseas. These laws governing international trade were written by Alexander Hamilton and became the law of the land under the George Washington administration. These laws were active until the Reagan administration.
Since Reagan, we have seen all our presidents from both political parties including Barack Obama support free trade. However, the TPP is not free trade. It is managed trade. The TPP is not regulated for the common good. It’s not regulated for the benefit of consumers. The TPP is not fashioned for the sake of the United States of America. This trade deal is not in the interest of the American workers.

The TPP has been designed for the corporations who wrote the trade agreement and who stand to profit from it.

What is apparent that these politicians who are in the hip pocket of the corporate lobby who wrote the TPP have not learned a lesson from past such deals or don’t care. Of the 28 free trade sell out Democrats in the House who voted for fast tracking the TPP 12 of them stated they voted for fast track because there was provision to protect the environment. These protections are not in the TPP. There are no currency rules in this nightmare trade deal. The ‘ Investor Settlement’ provisions are one of the most egregious parts of the TPP.
What this provision rule says if a corporation makes an investment in a country expecting to make a profit and that country enacts a law that hinders those profits the companies will be allowed to sue those countries. The travesty is the lawsuit would not be heard in those nation’s courts. The decision of the trial would be heard by a three judge tribunal made up of corporate lawyers.
What this means is countries can no longer make decisions about trade based on national security. America can no longer enact a tariff on products made in other countries because if we do the China corporation can sue the United States and if they win in the tribunal the damages will be paid by the American taxpayer.
What’s shocking the corporate owned media does not report this and when reporters like Ed Shultz formerly of MSNBC do they get replaced. The TPP is a nightmare come true.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Founding Fathers

Just weeks ago while doing some research I came across one Thomas Paine. Much to my surprise, I was fascinated that this moderate and some - what unsuccessful man finally found his passion in life. Thomas Paine went on to write one of the most read literary works of all time, Common Sense. I was so interested in his story that I wrote an article about him.[See Article] He[Paine] and his work Common Sense has been credited as being one of the jump-starts to the American Revolution. In fact, the writings of Thomas Paine in Common Sense created the model for which sculpted the Declaration of Independence. 

Thomas Paine wrote in Common Sense.
Thomas Paine

        "... Nothing can settle our affairs so expeditiously as an open and determined declaration for independence."     

What is so interesting is at the time of his writing this pamphlet Thomas Paine was an immigrant. He was not an American citizen. He was an Englishmen, who Benjamin Franklin sponsored to America.  The reason I identify with Paine cause he was a writer but a " jack of all trades," who until he was able to write he was a lost man. He had failed at just about every endeavor he undertook. However, Ben Franklin, who was a printer, loved Paine's writing style and encouraged him to write Common Sense. Putting things into perspective from a literary standpoint Thomas Paine contribution to the American Revolution was equal to that of George Washington. It was Thomas Paine who coined the phrase " Untied States of America." So, with all this said, why has American history marginalized Thomas Paine?  The short answer, after the revolution Thomas Paine, published his feeling about Christianity and the Bible.

In Paine's literary work, " Age of Reason," he wrote:

" When I see through the greater parts of this book[The Bible] scarcely anything but a history of the grossest vices... and collection of the most paltry and contemptible tales..." 

Many historians and people of the time's claimed Thomas Paine was an atheist, but; his defenders say he believed in a God but not the one in the King James translation of the Bible. What is painful and powerful here is that Thomas Paine, a champion of the American Revolution. That many of the founding fathers themselves give equal credit for the success thereof would not be considered a Christian by the likes of modern day politicians like Rick Santorum and Texas Governor Rick Perry.
Thomas Paine went on to write that he did not believe in the creed professed by any church that he knew. According to Thomas Paine, his mind was his church.[See Source] Furthermore, Thomas Paine made it clear that he detested the Bible. In fact, Thomas Paine utterly denounced Christianity. He [Paine] called Christianity a " fable and fraud." This publication the 'Age of Reason,' sold thousands of copies. And, clearly shows that one of America's founding fathers was not a good Christian man. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Lawrence Lessig Cites DNC Rule Changes Forced Him Out Of The Democratic Party Race For President.

The DNC Have Changed The Rules For The Democratic Debates

Lawrence Lessig

Lessig a Harvard Law School professor and political activist has decided to drop out of the 2016 Democratic presidential race. Lessig announced his intentions to pull out of the Democratic race in a video statement released by the campaign on Monday.

Under Democratic National Committee debate rules announced this summer, candidates had to poll at least 1 percent in three "credible national polls" in the six weeks leading up to the debate in order to qualify. A DNC memo in August clarified that candidates had to reach that threshold a full six weeks before the debate, rather than anytime within the six-week time frame.

Many supporters of Lawrence Lessig say that it's just proof positive that the DNC headed up by Debbie Wasserman Schultz have rigged the debates for front-runner Hillary Clinton. In Fairness Lessig was a long shot with little name recognition. Lessig has been labeled the godfather of the " Campaign Finance Movement." Under the new DNC rules, it became apparent that Lessig had no shot at winning the nomination. Lessig entered the race as a single issue candidate. His campaign was a referendum against Citizens United and getting big money out of politics.

There is a lot of support in America for overturning Citizens United both in the Democratic Party and Republican Party. 83% of Democratic voters believe money has corrupted politics while 80% of Republican voters agree. Getting big money out of politics is one of the few issues that has bipartisan agreement.
The entire issue of money influence peddling in our governance is consistently a top two issue of importance to the American people. Neither in the Democratic or Republican debates do you hear questions asked about this subject. The reason for this is television networks run the debates, and these networks have the most to gain from big money in our political system. Large amounts of this money go to TV ads.

This reality was one of the driving forces behind  Lawrence Lessig entering the 2016 Democratic Primary. His goal was to be involved in the 2016 debates and talking about this issue. So, what did the DNC and these television networks do they changed the rules. Even though Lessig raised over one million dollars in contributions, attracted several well-known Democratic operatives and even ran a television ad he was never taken seriously by the Democratic National Committee.[DNC]

What's ironic is that Lessig raised more money that Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee both who were allowed in the first Democratic debate. What is also unfortunate the DNC totally left Lessig name out of the polling so how could he get the 1% required. Lessig went on the record stating that he was trying to run for president, but the DNC would not let him.

This practice by the DNC should tell us what the state of affairs are in American politics today. It's the corporate owned machine that is driving our political system today. The corporate owned media is trying as hard as they can to dictate to the American people who we should vote for.