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Monday, June 24, 2019

From The Desk of Johnny Hill-House of Public Discourse[Forum]

The House of Public Discourse is fully engaged in the fight for truth in America. Conservative politicians and allied interest groups relentlessly bombard the American public with lies and misinformation. Conservative interests control at least one primary cable news channel, as well as numerous radio stations, newspapers, and websites. Also, thousands of internet "robots" and bogus accounts are used to spread false information on facebook, twitter, and other social media. And much of the Republican success in recent U.S. elections have been due to harmful television "attack ads" filled with fabrications and distortions.

Right-wing voters are mainly motivated by hate, especially by their hatred for the truth.

Unfortunately, the mainstream American media, evidently afraid of alienating part of their viewership, makes no effort to correct even the most blatant Republican lies. Thus it is left to progressives to take up the fight for truth and justice.

My life has been a story of unfulfilled promise poor choices in my youth, and not taking what the good Lord gave me to use for the betterment of my society and community. The House of Public Discourse is my way of changing all that. It really is for me one of the most important things I have ever done for myself first, and then others. 

I want the House of Public Discourse to be that place that is a champion for truth and justice. I want the House of Public Discourse to be a place where people seeking to find the truth have a home. 

This organization could be more substantial if I hadn't got sick and had some other setbacks, but I just wanted to let your our members know how much I love you all. I know the House of Public Discourse can make a difference, and I genuinely feel that the truth no matter how obstructed from view it may be-- always come to light.

There Can Be A Brighter Tomorrow For Us All Reminds Me of a song!!