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Thursday, March 16, 2017

TrumpCare's Message to the Poor and Elderly, Just Die Already!

TrumpCare's Message to the Poor and Elderly, Just Die Already!

America is playing Russian roulette with its most vulnerable citizens and the just out Congressional Budget Office [CBO] report clearly indicates that Trumpcare's message to the poor and elderly is to just die already. [See Report]

Back in 2008, when the Affordable Care Act [ACA] commonly referred as Obamacare was being sold to the American people one of the main sales pitches of the Obama Administration was if you like your current plan and doctor you could keep them. Millions of uninsured Americans were told that the insurance under the ACA would be affordable. 

When the reality hit and some people could not keep their same plans or doctors and when the bloodsucking insurance company’s rates grew higher and higher all you heard from the Republicans was that Obama was a liar who sold the American people a huge bottle of snake oil.

No matter how you slice the pie the Obama team dropped the ball when setting up and
negotiating the ACA. The healthcare industry accounts for 20% and rising of our nation's overall economy. Yes, the website fiasco was more a "Ha Ha" moment than a substantive failure of the ACA, however; it was an indication of incompetence not making sure the servers were prepared and ready to go. It was like fumbling the ball on the opening kickoff. 

Now, with the Trump Administration and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) attempting to repeal
the ACA and replace it with the Republican plan we see now from the recently released CBO report that Trump's boastful claims of a better more improved plan than the ACA is just not true. Trump made claims that his plan would cover everyone. He made that claim all throughout his campaign. The CBO report says otherwise to the tune of some 26 million uninsured people by 2026 and only God himself knows how much more after. How does that in anyway make Trumpcare better? Trump also claimed that premiums were going to go down. Not true! Rates are going to go up in the short-term and for some younger people, for example, the rates will lower over a period of time but for other's like the poor and elderly the rates are going to skyrocket.

One of the biggest claims that Trump made regarding Trumpcare is that he would no ways no how touch Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. As of the rendition of this article, they have not touched Social Security. The same cannot be said about Medicaid. If the American Healthcare Act is put into play some 14 million Americans will lose their healthcare in the first year. Per the CBO report, that number will swell to 26 million by 2026.

American Healthcare Act Will Create a Modest Reduction of The Deficit at The Expense of the Elderly and Poor.

From the Report:

Although average premiums would increase prior to 2020 and decrease starting in 2020, CBO and JCT estimate that changes in premiums relative to those under current law would differ significantly for people of different ages because of a change in age-rating rules. Under the legislation, insurers would be allowed to generally charge five times more for older enrollees than younger ones rather than three times more as under current law, substantially reducing premiums for young adults and substantially raising premiums for older people. 
 The top 1% are basically getting a hidden tax cut. The real kick in the butt is how the American Healthcare Act affects Medicaid. Most of the 14 million people who will lose health coverage will come from both regular Medicaid and the expanded Medicaid. This will affect our poorest Americans many who are elderly and only common sense tells you this will cost lives. That's right, Trumpcare's modest deficit reduction will cost American lives and that is a tragic reality to the so-called American Healthcare Act.

What this barbaric healthcare does is take us back to a time where almost 20% of Americans will not have medical insurance. Most of these people will be poor and elderly with no means for preventive care, no means to purchase medications, they must use the Emergency Room as their primary care provider and will be saddled with huge medical bills that they will be unable to pay. Like before, the taxpayer must pick up the tab and like before your health insurance rates will soar because of this history repeating itself. The Republicans will say " Blame it on the poor folk." They're lazy!

Also, these tax credits that are being offered are a joke and meaningless to the poor and out of work Americans not due to being lazy but to our jobs being exported overseas and other jobs being replaced by other new mechanized technologies like Robots. Others will forgo health insurance from their employers because the cost will be high and their wages low.

The proposed American Healthcare Act is just another shining example of the attack on the poor, working poor, and lower middle-class Americans. Once again, we see the Oligarchs and their political establishments taking from the poor and giving to the rich. Trumpcare if passed will take 880 million dollars from Medicaid and moreover, in the long term will cut trillions of dollars in healthcare services for low-income Americans.

The indications here are clear the rich elites (not all rich people) find us poor folks a nuisance and by cutting healthcare services to finance a tax cut and slight deficit reduction Trumcare's message to the poor and elderly is, "Just Die Already."

Harvard Professor Explains Why TrumpCare Is Terrible

Written By: Johnny Hill

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