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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Face to Face With Facebook Hate!

Hate Speech Runs Roughshod All Over Facebook.

I’m amazed by the number of hate groups there are on Facebook that disguises themselves as religious organizations, ministers, and self-proclaimed prophets. They’re little more than deceivers and thieves, preaching hatred and division for profit. And then there are those groups claiming to be “patriots,” out to save their country, but in fact, they’re little more than supremacists and purveyors of bigotry and racism, sowing the seeds of domestic terrorism.

On the plus side, this allows us to analyze the mindset being propagated by these deceivers. Facebook is one of the most effective tools for espionage ever devised. It will enable them, and all the other agencies out there, to track and monitor the mental state of certain groups and individuals, and to see who’s connected to whom. We too can learn much from observing their stance and hateful rhetoric.

I’ve visited a fair number of these sites over the years to get a sense of the minds behind these spinners of fear and hate propaganda and to delve into the minds and read the many comments of those who subscribe to these lunatics. Occasionally I’ll post a comment and enter into a discussion with someone. That can be very insightful into the way that some of these people think, or instead, don’t think, but rely on right-wing propagandists to tell them what to believe. Some responses I receive are incredibly harmful, and some extremely positive. No middle ground, but still, in the process, many have requested permission to repost my comments and articles on their timelines. I gladly agree.

I will admit that I have several pieces I’ve written that I frequently post on these sites and elsewhere, but only when I feel they’re on topic and to the point, regarding the article at hand. More often than not, I’ll be deleted and blocked by so-called patriots and religious groups, but in doing so; I know someone has read my post. I’ve entered into their mind, and I trust the words I’ve posted will haunt them. Yes, I have intentions but no expectations. I find it more than exciting that I can be both cursed and praised for the same words. 

I realize that in most cases I’m merely “casting pearls before swine,” but there’s always a chance I may reach some of those who are seemingly unreachable. That the words may in some way act as a catalyst, and perhaps some of these people will reach deep within themselves and touch their souls, that the words I’ve posted might assist them in their awakening. I hope that they might rid themselves of the destructive mindset of these cults that have control over them. I wish them freedom.

Written By House of Public Discourse Member Gary Markle 

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