Campaign Contributions Do Frame Politicians
No fair-minded person could ever accuse Bernie Sanders of running a negative campaign against Hillary Clinton. Many Democrats and Independents will not vote for Hillary Clinton under any condition.
Several things are going on here. The mainstream media are spinning Bernie Sanders win in the New Hampshire primary as just a win from a politician from a neighboring state. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Democratic Party establishment and her supporters have a hard time accepting that Hillary Clinton is a weak and flawed candidate.
What New Hampshire taught us is that when Hillary Clinton tries to sell us that no one owns her and that she never has changed her position because of influence peddling no one is buying. Hillary Clinton lost across all demographics in New Hampshire except those who make over 200 thousand a year and the elderly.
In the last debate with Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton posed a question when has money ever influenced her decision making? One of Hillary's biggest weakness or flaws is she seems to forget from one minute to the next what she has said or done in her political past. She tends to insult the political intelligence of the Progressive and Independent voter. Case in point came from an interview conducted by highly respected reporter Bill Moyers with now highly popular Democratic senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren.
Bill Moyers Interview With Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
This interview done several years ago was before Elizabeth Warren became a Congresswoman. As of the rendition of this essay, Elizabeth Warren is the only female senator who has not endorsed Hillary Clinton. In fact, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have been leaders in lockstep with many of the issues that matter to progressive voters. The Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP] is a prime example.
For The Record
There are several things incredible about Hillary Clinton claim that she hasn't been influenced by her donors and speech circuit customers. Also, it is not just a matter of changing positions based on contributions. When we talk about corporate conglomerates like Goldman Sachs they don't contribute to a political campaign without a reason. To think otherwise is political blindness. The campaign donations Hillary Clinton has received from Wall Street over the course of her political career is nothing more than a show of confidence that they trust her to look out for their best interest.
Basic human nature and common sense should tell any even-minded person campaign contributions come with strings attached and for Hillary Clinton to suggest otherwise shows another one of her flaws disingenuousness.
Hillary Clinton operatives and her supporters get annoyed when you tie her to the record of her husband, former President Bill Clinton. However, the facts show they have been a political partnership for over 40 years. It's a political duo. Both have acted in each others interest on more than one occasion. In fact, it's a political strategy that has worked well for both Bill and Hillary.
Bill Clinton administration was responsible for much of the deregulation of Wall Street and Finance that led to the "Big Bank Bailouts," in 2008. His repeal of Glass-Steagall provided a pathway for less oversight, and many expert economists have stated it played a significant role as well. Hillary Clinton was standing by her man and to this day does not support reinstating an updated version of Glass-Steagall. Hillary Clinton was an architect of what became known as the "New Democrats." The ideology was a centrist one that developed after the 1988 election of Republican George H.W. Bush. The philosophy of what many call the " Clinton Democrats" is nothing more than " Neoliberalism," at its finest. [See Article] The "Clinton Democratic" platform is Wall Street friendly, corporate friendly, robust on crime, and in bed with the Military Industrial Complex.
This political mantra is who Hillary Clinton has been for decades. Firms like Goldman Sachs trust her, the corporate elites worship the ground she walks on, and moderate centrist Republicans don't mind her one bit and would much rather she win the Democratic nomination than anti-establishment candidate Bernie Sanders.
In a recent campaign speech in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton talked about the role George Bush II played in the deregulation that led to the 2008 crash. In that speech, she made no reference whatsoever to the role her husband administration played. In the many pages of books Hillary Clinton has written over the years, she has never criticized, apologized, or admitted that the Clinton administration's repeal of " Glass-Steagall," was an important factor in causing the financial crisis in 2008.
At the same time, she praised the "ending welfare as we know it reforms" put in place by her husband administration that kicked thousand off the welfare rolls. This policy created a system of rampant racial biases.[See Source]
These factors as mentioned earlier are now coming back to haunt Hillary Clinton now that the Democratic Party is rapidly shifting from center right to center left. This change within the Democratic Party is the cause of the problems the Clinton campaign is having with progressives, independents, and young voters in the 2016 Democratic primary.
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Bill Clinton |
This political mantra is who Hillary Clinton has been for decades. Firms like Goldman Sachs trust her, the corporate elites worship the ground she walks on, and moderate centrist Republicans don't mind her one bit and would much rather she win the Democratic nomination than anti-establishment candidate Bernie Sanders.
In a recent campaign speech in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton talked about the role George Bush II played in the deregulation that led to the 2008 crash. In that speech, she made no reference whatsoever to the role her husband administration played. In the many pages of books Hillary Clinton has written over the years, she has never criticized, apologized, or admitted that the Clinton administration's repeal of " Glass-Steagall," was an important factor in causing the financial crisis in 2008.
At the same time, she praised the "ending welfare as we know it reforms" put in place by her husband administration that kicked thousand off the welfare rolls. This policy created a system of rampant racial biases.[See Source]
These factors as mentioned earlier are now coming back to haunt Hillary Clinton now that the Democratic Party is rapidly shifting from center right to center left. This change within the Democratic Party is the cause of the problems the Clinton campaign is having with progressives, independents, and young voters in the 2016 Democratic primary.
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Bernie Sanders |
There is no doubt that Wall Street and the markets will go into freak out mode if Bernie Sanders becomes president. The format that is in place now demands that a president succumbs to the demands of Wall Street, and this applies to current President Obama as well. There is no denying that the forces on Wall Street are very powerful. A Bernie Sanders presidency will undoubtedly have significant hurdles to overcome and will face Republican obstructionism much like President Obama but no one is claiming the change will be easy.
There is and idea that more public owned banking would be a great place to start. Many have suggested this would circumvent the mantra of too big to fail, too big to jail, and is the essence of Democratic Socialism. Hence, Bernie Sanders campaign desires to break up the big banks.
Once again we are seeing a very volatile stock market. [See Source] There are signs that we are heading for another melt down, according to some economic pundits, and you don't hear any mention of this on the campaign trail, why?
The Federal Reverse has recently started withdrawing some of its stimulus in an attempt to return American back to a more normal monetary policy. Our economy has been dependent upon trillions of dollars of infusions for years and now they are taking it away. This is an enormous change in the financial environment and the volatility in the markets are reflecting this change. Often, in America serious issues are not discussed on the campaign trail, but Bernie Sanders has been out front on these matters since day one.
As a collective the Global economy is slowing this reflected by the lowering of prices for oil for example. The fossil fuel industry markets have become nothing more than a speculation arena for years now. There is a massive fossil fuel lobby in Washington and their buying off politicians through campaign contributions is legendary. Current Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has received massive campaign contributions from the fossil fuel lobby. [See Source]
The Bernie Sanders campaign has become a political tidal wave.
Campaign contribution do frame our politicians today. Our research here in the House Of Public Discourse is finding that many progressives, independents, and young voters will not support Hillary Clinton no matter if she wins the Democratic nomination largely because of who her campaign donors are.
One thing the mainstream media and the Democratic establishment are failing to comprehend is the current political revolution is way more than just Bernie Sanders campaign. Bernie Sanders has pointed this out from the beginning. The Bernie Sanders campaign has been a catalyst in bringing to the light from the dark the overall dissatisfaction the American people have with our status quo political process. Bernie Sanders campaign is resonating with not just young folks but people from all demographic spectrum's. The once-taboo word Socialist not only doesn't invoke fear as it once did people are now embracing the term and liking it. In fact, a recent poll indicated that 47% of Americans would vote for a Socialist, which is great news for the Sanders campaign. [See Source]
The very unorthodox political campaign that Bernie Sanders is running has not only resonated with young people it has caught the attention of individuals who have disenfranchised themselves from the political process. Sanders, the longest running Independent senator in the history of American politics, has threaded the needle of being a politician that has run against both establishment parties, and voters well receive his message on wealth inequality. Moreover, his not taking campaign contributions from corporations and not having a SuperPac have gained him rock star popularity with the American electorate.
The problem with the Hillary Clinton campaign is her sudden shift from center-right politics to center-left highlights the fears many progressive voters have about establishment politics and creates vast voids of trust and the fact that Hillary has accepted campaign contributions from major corporations and her SuperPac fund raising just solidifies this mindset.
The fact is Hillary Clinton is a flawed candidate. There are many people not just from the right who dislike her she has a huge personality problem that says I, not us. She has a record that speaks for itself regarding her destructive war-hawk agenda, and her many scandals including in the present concerning an FBI investigation into her use of a private email server.
There is one glaring reality that has manifested itself in the 2016 Democratic presidential race the more people come to know Bernie Sanders and his consistent record the more they like him. The opposite goes for Hillary Clinton. The more people learn about her history, the less they like her. Hillary Clinton has an ethical problem. And, the fact that she is the darling of Wall Street and continues to accept their campaign contributions just adds fuel to the fire which says " Campaign Contributions Do Frame A Politician."